Congrats, you’re getting an Appreciation Campaign! That means, starting tomorrow, you’ll receive a Note of Appreciation written by a friend or loved one every day in your email inbox. You can read more about what's going to happen in our FAQs.
Don't stress about or feel pressured to have to respond to each of the lovely Notes you get. At the end of your Appreciation Campaign, we'll send you a link letting you write a collective Thank You, which we will then send to everyone for you. Right now, just relax and be a sponge. Enjoy the experience of receiving love and acknowledgement, knowing you'll have a chance to respond to everyone at the end.
We encourage you to save the emails you receive with the notes, but you can always see the notes you have been sent by entering your email address on our portal here:
Here are what some other Recipients have said about experience.
If you feel nervous or uncomfortable about hearing how wonderful you are, here's some advice for accepting the appreciation of others. We hope that the Appreciation Notes brighten your next many days!
Margie🧚, Drew🦸, and Douglas🧙