How much does it cost?
Q: Does it cost anything to start an Appreciation Campaign?
A: The Appreciation Drip operates in the gift economy. We operate the Appreciation Drip as a gift to you, free. If you feel happy and grateful, you gift us back. You can choose any amount that (1) feels is good, right, and joyful, (2) reflects your financial means, and (3) indicates your desire to see more Appreciation Drips in the world.
You can choose to give. Or not! Happily contributing is the basis of what we call “joy commerce.” Read our nerdy manifesto about joy commerce here.
Q: Really? I could start an Appreciation Drip, participate in a Drip, or receive a Drip, and it’s free?
A: Yep! In joy economics, money is a demonstration of happiness and gratitude for the work provided. And it indicates your desire to let others receive it too. You get to determine what to contribute that allows others to receive the same experience.
If you feel grateful for the Appreciation Drip, we’re happy we did it for you. We’d love for you to contribute. But even if you don’t contribute, we’re still happy we did it for you.
Q: I really want to contribute. How do I figure out how much?
A: Hard, right? Maybe we should have just set concrete amounts. But what maybe feels good and right for you is more. Or maybe it’s less. So here’s some guidance:
Choose an amount that feels in proportion to the joy and happiness the Drip created.
Choose an amount that feels good and right, according to your financial means. In our monetary economy, some people have more and some less, which means someone people get more and some people get less. In joy commerce, all contributions are all equally acceptable and received gracefully. The monetary amount is less important than the joy created and delivered.
Choose an amount that “pays the idea into the future.” By giving money, you are giving energy to the Appreciation Drip. If you felt joy and happiness from the Appreciation Drip and want others to experience it, fund it into the future so others can experience joy and happiness!
Choose an amount that feels good, clear, and right.
Choose an amount that makes you feel happy and grateful to be contributing.
Q: OK, I have an amount in mind. How do I pay?
Any input on how to do joy commerce better? Does this bring up any thoughts or feelings you would like to share? Email us at AppreciationDrip [at]