feels good to be loved

Being recognized and celebrated for your unique gifts is a core human need. And when you are appreciated for your gifts, your gifts appreciate.

Asking for love from your community is a bold, radical act. There’s an idea that asking for love is iffy. But owning the reality you’re worthy of appreciation is a radical act of self-love.

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1. Create an Appreciation Campaign for Yourself

For many of us, it’s harder for us to receive love than to give it. We push it away because:

  • We don’t want an inflated ego

  • There’s self-protection in self-depreciation

  • Brains are hard-wired to negativity and it’s effort work against that.

But if we really had the ability to accept love, what would happen?

All it takes is your name, email, and start date.

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2. Everyone writes Appreciation Notes

The secret is there is enough love in our lives already. We just have to get good at receiving it.

We’ll email you a custom link to share with your friends and loved ones, asking them to write heartfelt Appreciation Notes: Why are they grateful for you? What do they appreciate about you? What makes you unique?

There’s a vulnerability of asking people to appreciate you. [Brene Brown stuff here?] The campaign is official once we get 7 Notes.

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3. You gets appreciations for days on end.

When your campaign starts, you’ll find an email note of appreciation in your inbox every morning. You get to read it privately and practice receiving love. Part of the practice is that you don’t have to respond to people individually.

At the end, you’ll have the opportunity to respond to everyone collectively for your campaign and tell them how good it was to be loved for days and days. But for now, just savor it. note is a delightful surprise making the you feel loved and appreciated for days on end.

If you have the ability to receive love, what would you have? A sense of internal Enoughness. A sense of grace in this world.

This is such a unique thing, it is truly one of the best gifts I have ever received. - Jennifer

“This is the most meaningful gift I’ve ever received” - William

These small daily reminders of being loved were humbling and delightful. It's been such a moving wash of kind notes that make me feel seen. I'm feeling buoyed and more confident. - Aileen

Getting one Note per day for 12 days from my team was an incredibly precious experience. I cried every day when I opened them. I feel seen and acknowledged in a special way. - Megan


Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is an Appreciation Campaign?

An Appreciation Campaign is a series of at least 7 Appreciation Notes written to one Recipient, which we send via email in the morning to the Recipient one day at a time. It's a tool that creates joy, meaning, and connection for the Recipient; you get to see how loved you are by the people around them. It's a way to see how grateful everyone is for who you are.

+ When do I use it?

Do it for a birthday, or graduation or other celebration. It's a sort of digital ritual, a way for you to be seen and acknowledged during life's transitions. We also get a fair number of campaigns started by people going through a difficult time: a major illness, or a breakup, or a death in the family.

+ How do I start an Appreciation Campaign?

Fill out the form on our website, which will take you about a minute. We’ll email you a personalized link, which you share with your friends and family. Seven Notes launches a Campaign.

+ Why start an Appreciation Campaign?

  • Because for many people, giving love is easier than receiving it. An appreciation campaign is practice in receiving.

- Because you want to surround yourself with love for a period of time. The world feels like a better place when we are appreciated. Our bodies actually change chemically when we feel valued, praised, and blessed. You can do that for yourelf for days on end. Check out what our Recipients are saying.

  • Because you want to see how everyone who cares about you sees you. Often times we don't see our unique gifts, or how we positively affect others. An Appreciation Campaign shows you how you are, not what you do, and how your way of being is so special to everyone around them.

- Because the world feels like a better place when we appreciate others. 95 percent of people felt at least somewhat happy when expressing gratitude, and over half felt extremely happy. Asking people to write Appreciation Notes makes them healthier, more energetic and optimistic, more empathic, and less vulnerable to clinical depression.

+ How do I get other people to participate in the Appreciation Campaign I’ve started?

When we send you the personalized link, we’ll also send you a sample email you can edit and forward to your friends and family.

Share via email, text message, on FB or Messenger… as long as you share that personalized link, anyone with appreciation to share for you: coworkers, old high school friends, clients. They can spread the word too by sharing the link with others.

+ How much does it cost?

It's donation based. We created Feels Good to be Loved to bring more joy and connection into the world. More than anything, we just want people to start new campaigns and practice giving and receiving love.

+ I just got asked to write a Note for someone. How do I write a meaningful Appreciation Note?

Great question! Take a moment to think about the person you’re writing to. Why are you grateful for them? What's great about them? The more specific you can be, the more meaningful your Note will be. Some prompts that might be helpful are:

- Can you recall a time when the Recipient did something that made a big impact on you? You could tell them about that and thank them for it.  

  • Is there something special about the Recipient that you can see makes the world a better place? You could describe what that is and why it’s special and important.

- Is there a funny story that comes to mind that makes you smile or laugh to think of it? You could tell that story to the Recipient in your Note, and thank them for brightening that memory.

You don’t have to be eloquent, just write from the heart. Be genuine and that’s going to shine through.

+ Can I see some examples of great Notes of Appreciation?

Yes! Click Here.

+ Who can read the Notes? Are they private?

Only you, the Recipient, gets the Notes. For purposes of system maintenance and quality control, we at Feels Good to be Loved can see the Notes, but we generally don't read them. See our Privacy Policy for more info.

+ More generally, I'm still concerned with privacy. What do you do with my personal information?

Totally understood. We won't sell or exchange your personal information. We want the experience to feel as good for everyone as possible, so you'll never been served ads. Any of the information we collect from you is only used to operate an Appreciation Campaign, including communicating with you and others in the ways you have agreed to. You can read our full Privacy Policy here. We genuinely are only doing this to help people participate in gratitude.

+ Can people still contribute notes to the campaign after it has started? Or is the start date the deadline for all notes? Can I write multiple Notes?

People can still contribute Notes after the start date, until the last note is delivered. They can also contribute multiple Notes if they like.

+ How long can an Appreciation Campaign go for?

Theoretically, the Appreciation Campaign can go on forever! The average campaign lasts around 20+ days. The longest one we've had is 93 days.

+ I’m thinking starting an Appreciation Campaign, because yes, I agree that it Feels Good to Be Loved. But I also feel awkward asking peope to write nice things about me. What’s up with that?

Yes, sometimes it feels uncomfortable when so many people tell you wonderful things about yourself. But that's the practice: accepting that other people love you and genuinely think you're amazing! Gratitude is the secret sauce of happiness: for ourselves, for our community, for our world. Accepting that you are loved is a vulnerable practice, harder than loving others. Receiving other people's appreciation lets others express gratitude, which is a gift to them. And your Grateful Receiving is really a gift to you too. For more in-depth information on receiving Appreciations, you can go here.

+ Do my Note writers know when I receive their Note? I feel internal pressure to send an individual thank you every time I get a Note.

We’ve got your back on this one! Note writers don't know when you receive their Note. When your campaign is about to end, we'll let you know. Then we’ll send you a link to write one thank you note that everyone will get. That way you can just relax and gratefully receive Notes without feeling pressure to respond to everyone individually as the experience is happening  

What Recipients say:

  • “I was overwhelmed by how thoughtful these were — and how nice it felt to be seen.”

  • “Everyone should have the opportunity to know what makes them special and valued by their most cherished friends and loved ones.”

  • “I’m so grateful for my friends and family who took the time to write these things about me. It’s something I go back to every time I need it.”

  • If you had three words to describe your appreciation experience, what would they be?

    • “Loved, seen, acknowledged”

    • “Connected, grateful, celebrated”

    • “Loved, hugged, replenished”

    • “Seen, beheld, valued”

What Campaign Starters say:

  • “It’s so easy it is to start a campaign. And I love seeing my Recipients during the day, thinking, ‘They were appreciated and loved today.’ I keep on thinking of people I want to start campaigns for.”

  • “I love how simple and quick the process is. I love how clear and easy the signup is. And then you do the rest of the work for us? Brilliant.”

  • “Using the Appreciation Effect helped our family express positive feedback when we were in a bad habit of asking each other to change an unwanted behavior. It was easy to set up, not complicated to use, and simple enough for even the grandparents to participate in. Thank you!”