More than a fist-bump.

Looking to celebrate your coaches after

The Open?

Try an Appreciation Campaign

An Appreciation Campaign is a coordinated collection of personal appreciations, meaningfully delivered to insure maximum impact. When you start a free coach appreciation campaign, you get a custom appreciation link for each of your coaches to share with members. Members write their notes and submit them to our platform. On the start date of your choice, your coach will start receiving one note of appreciation per day until all the notes have run out. We send one note a day to allow the coach time to consider each note individually and to spread out their experience over a longer period of time.

But this is about more than just saying thank you. Our core belief at The Appreciation Effect is that what we appreciate, appreciates. Coach Appreciation Campaigns are also about growing coach capacity and skill. As your coaches get these notes each day, they are also getting meaningful feedback about their coaching and its impact on your athletes. Hearing directly from members about how they appreciate being pushed when they think they can’t, or being reminded to step back when they think they can, but shouldn’t, helps reinforce and grow your coaches awareness of what makes them so awesome. Reflecting on the notes in total at the end of the campaign can be one of the most powerful professional growth opportunities your coaches get this year.

Coaches who have had Appreciation Campaigns report feeling more energized about their work, more connected to members, more aware of their strengths and impact, and more engaged in their own ongoing growth and development.

Coach Appreciation Campaigns go live on Monday, March 6. Sign up below to be notified when you can go in and create your free campaign.

Traditional thank you cards and notes are nice gestures, but they fail to convey the real impact our coaches have on their athletes. Notes are short, rushed, and public. Coaches then receive them all at once, getting a strong, but fleeting sense of how much they are valued and why.

Picture of a coach

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All cultures ahve their ritutals

The Crossfit Open is a celebration of fitness - a special time when crossfit athletes test themselves and their fitness in an atmosphere of support and comrade. This is also a special time for our coaches. Crossfit coaches pour their heart and soul into their work and their athletes all year long, helping them persist and strive towards their goals. The Open is a natural