You have a feeling that you could use some help seeing yourself, your gifts, and your impact more clearly. We want to help. Here's how it goes:
You fill out our simple form. There are several times when you can add the option to meet with a coach to support you in the process.
You either start with a coaching session to help you decide what you want and how you'd like to go about your campaign, or you jump right in and can start anytime you are ready.
We give you a link to share with everyone you'd like to invite. You send this link with your specific request to everyone on your chosen list. They click on the link and write you a message.
You might want to grab some time with a coach at this point to process what the experience has been like so far, and/or to prepare to receive your messages.
The messages come to you in the time frame and manner you've chosen.
Feel free to add a coaching spot here if something sticky or interesting comes up.
Your campaign ends.
You may want to top it off with a coaching session to process what you've received and what you want to do with it.